Get in touch


Minimum stay 2 nights, maximum 10 nights.
For linen & / towel change during your stay, there is a laundering surcharge.

For your assurance and ours, and in order to confirm your booking , we ask for a 50% deposit of the accommodation cost .
he remaining amount is pa yable on your arrival.
B ef o re you leave we will settle up for any additional things, such as food or activities.

Airports: Granada (GRX) is 1hour / Malaga (AGP) is 1.5 hours / Almeria  (LEI) is 2 hours journey in a car from us.
Buses: operate between Granada and Las Alpujarras. There is a limited service to the coast. (see
There are local taxis for journeys to/from the airport / city / town, which we can help you arrange. Hire cars can be contracted from airports or on the coast in Almuñecar. As our location is semi-remote and accessed by a dirt and stone track, we recommend that If you rent a car, you choose a vehicle with a high axle and you go for the insurance that covers everything!

We generally enjoy a warm climate here for most of the year and we often spend winter day s comfortably wearing wearing T-shirts and jeans! For a verage temperatures and precipitation for Las Alpujarras, have a look here.